Miss Stinnes Motors Round The World [risorsa elettronica] = Fraeulein Stinnes Faehrt um die Welt / regia Erica von Moeller ; sceneggiatura Soenke Lars Neuwoehner ; fotografia Sophie Maintigneux ; montaggio Gesa Marten ; suono Andreas Woelki ; musica Andreas Schilling
DE : Bernd Wilting, Taglicht Media Film : Fernsehproduktion Gmbh, 2009
1 file mkv (3.83 Gb) (89 min.) : b/n, son.
Sottotitoli in Inglese. - Lungometraggio. - Altri formati: mp4.
Neuwoehner, Soenke Lars. Maintigneux, Sophie. Marten, Gesa. Schilling, Andreas. Woelki, Andreas.
1. Mezzi di trasporto.
2. Viaggi.
Abstract: Nel 1927, una piccola e delicata donna mise il mondo sottosopra: Clärenore Stinnes, figlia di un "barone dell'acciaio" industriale ed enfant terrible della famiglia, si mise in testa di fare il giro del mondo in macchina. Nessun'altra donna prima di lei ci aveva mai provato. Gran parte del mondo era in preda alla guerra civile e al caos e, per la maggior parte del tragitto, non c'erano nemmeno strade vere e proprie. Ma la signorina Stinnes trovava sempre il modo di fare qualsiasi cosa si fosse messa in testa di fare. Insieme a due meccanici e un cameraman, partì da Francoforte in una Adler Standard, normale auto di tutti i giorni. Il cameraman era Carl-Axel Söderström, uno svedese che aveva appena completato un film con Greta Garbo. La squadra partì per un viaggio di 48.000 chilometri. Il viaggio avrebbe cambiato le loro vite in modi che non si aspettavano. Esausti per lo sforzo fisico, i due meccanici abbandonarono il progetto prima che fosse ancora a metà. Da lì in poi furono solo loro due - la delicata donna d'acciaio (come Söderström descrisse Stinnes) e l'ammogliato cameraman svedese, la "roccia contro la tempesta". Il film racconta la storia di questa romantica avventura in un mix di scene create ex novo e di filmati originali in bianco e nero girati da Carl-Axel Söderström durante il viaggio.

In 1927, a small, delicate woman turned the world upside down: Clärenore Stinnes, the daughter of an industrial 'steel baron' and the enfant terrible of the family, set out to drive around the world. No other woman had ever attempted this before. Much of the world was in the grip of civil war and chaos, and most of the way there were no proper roads. But Miss Stinnes always found a way to do whatever she set her mind to. Together with two mechanics and a cameraman, she set off from Frankfurt in an "Adler Standard", a normal everyday car. The cameraman was Carl-Axel Söderström, a Swede who had just completed a film with Greta Garbo. The team set off on a journey of 48,000 kilometres. The journey would change their lives in ways they did not expect. Exhausted by the physical effort, the two mechanics abandoned the project before it was even halfway completed. From then on it was just the two of them - the delicate 'woman of steel' (as Söderström described Stinnes) and the married Swedish cameraman, the 'rock against the storm'. The film tells the story of this romantic adventure in a mix of newly created scenes and original black-and-white footage shot by Carl-Axel Söderström during the trip. The trip would change their lives in ways they never expected. Exhausted from physical effort and in fear for their lives, the two mechanics deserted the project before it was even halfway finished. From there on it was just the two of them – the dainty “woman of steel” (as Söderström described Stinnes) and married, Swedish cameraman, the “rock against the storm.” They still have most of the trip, including the most difficult stretches and the hardest physical challenges, before them. Not to mention the discoveries they will make about themselves and each other... The film “Around the World with Fräulein Stinnes” tells the story of this romantic adventure, one of the most extraordinary tales of the 20th century, in a fascinating mix of newly created scenes and black-and-white original footage shot by Carl-Axel Söderström during the actual journey. Director Erica von Moeller (“Hannah”) has succeeded in imbuing the newly created scenes with the same power of authenticity that exudes from the original footage. Sandra Hüller ("Requiem") in the role of Clärenore Stinnes and Bjarne Henricksen ("Kommissarin Lund") as cameraman Carl-Axel Söderström create an atmosphere of excitement and the eroticism of the fragile interplay between closeness and distance. The story is told from the perspective of Söderström, making use of his original diary. “Fräulein Stinnes offered me the world”, Söderström wrote as they were in the vicinity of Irkutsk...
Lingua: Tedesco.
Genere: Documentario.