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Trovati 11 record con la chiave di ricerca NAAUAF009485

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  C Tipo Titolo Anno
copertina Film Easy rider / directed by Dennis Hopper ; written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Terry Southern ; director of photography Laszlo Kovacs ; music by Steppenwolf
USA : Pando Company, 1969
1 videocassetta VHS (91 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 00684
copertina Film Easy rider / directed by Dennis Hopper ; written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Terry Southern ; director of photography Laszlo Kovacs ; music by Steppenwolf
USA : Pando Company, c1969
1 DVD (92 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 09130 DVD 2195 e 2195 bis
copertina Film Fuga da Los Angeles = John Carpenter's escape from L.A. / John Carpenter ; sceneggiatura di John Carpenter ; fotografia di Gary Kibbe ; musica di Shirley Walker
USA [S.l.] : Paramount Pictures, 1996
1 videocassetta VHS (976 min.) : son., col.

Collocazione: 06282
copertina Film Ghost Rider / directed by Mark Steven Johnson ; screen story and screenplay by Mark Steven Johnson ; based on the Marvel Comic ; music by Christopher Young
US , AU , 2007
1 DVD-Video (ca. 106 min.) : color., sonoro

Collocazione: 15835 DVD 9018
copertina Film L'inglese = The limey / directed by Steven Soderbergh ; music by Cliff Martinez ; photographed by Ed Lachman ; written by Lem Dobbs
US [S.l.] : Baltimore Pictures, 1991
1 DVD (91 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 8061 DVD 1099
copertina Film Lilith, la dea dell'amore = Lilith / produced and directed by Robert Rossen ; screenplay by Robert Rossen ; director of photography Eugene Shuftan ; music composed and conducted by Kenyon Hopkins
US : Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1964
1 DVD (110 min.) : b.n., son.

Collocazione: 10401 DVD 3951
copertina Film Il ritorno di Harry Collings = Hired hand / Peter Fonda
USA [S.l.] : Pando, 1971
1 videocassetta VHS (84 min.) : son., col.

Collocazione: 00062 tmp
copertina Film The runner / written and directed by Austin Stark ; director of photography Elliot Davis ; music by The Newton Brothers ; interpreti: Nicolas Cage, Sarah Paulson, Connie Nielsen, Peter Fonda...[et al.]
IT : Cecchi Gori entertainment, 2016
1 DVD-Video (86 min.), : color ; in contenitore, 19 cm.

Collocazione: 12550DL 12610 DVD 6130
copertina Film I selvaggi = The wild angels / produced and directed by Roger Corman ; written by Charles B. Griffith ; music written and arranged by Mike Curb ; director of photography Richard Moore
USA : American International Pictures, 1966
1 DVD (75 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 13773 DVD 7303
copertina Film Tre passi nel delirio / Roger Vadim, Louis Malle, Federico Fellini ; direttori della fotografia Claude Renoir, Tonino Delli Colli, Giuseppe Rotunno ; musica Jean Prodromides, Diego Masson, Nino Rota
IT , FR : Produzioni europee associate : Les Films Marceau : Cocinor, 1968
1 DVD (116 min.) : color., son.

Collocazione: 7882 DVD 775
copertina Film Wanda Nevada / Peter Fonda
USA [S.l.] : Dobrofsky ; [S.l.] : Hckin, 1978
1 videocassetta VHS : (100 min.)

Collocazione: 04047

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